OECD Announces New Publications on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) issued two publications in May as part of its Series on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials, noting that risk assessment of nanomaterials can be challenging due to the difference in their physico-chemical properties as compared to non-nanomaterials. Consequently, these publications are intended to assist in the identification of useful parameters for analyzing nanomaterials, as well as the selection of best available methods for gathering relevant physico-chemical information on specific nanomaterials.
Physical-Chemical Decision Framework to inform Decisions for Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials, No. 90 in the series, provides guidance on appropriate test methods to measure given physico-chemical parameters considered key to (1) the characterization and identification of specific nanomaterials, (2) exposure and fate in humans and the environment, and (3) assessing human health and environmental hazards. Guiding Principles for Measurements and Reporting for Nanomaterials: Physical Chemical Parameters, No. 91 in the series, is intended to help identify suitable methods for resolving data gaps related to a safety assessment for nanomaterials, improve study quality, and promote consistent data reporting. These two publications are complementary and together are intended to facilitate a better understanding of nanomaterial behavior in the environment and in living organisms. According to OECD, the documents will be amended as researchers gain experience applying the decision framework and guiding principles.
OECD is an intergovernmental organization that coordinates and harmonizes policies and provides a forum to discuss issues of mutual concern. More information on these documents can be found on OECD’s website.