China Continues Efforts to Ban and Limit Use of Plastic Products

China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOC) published a Notice, titled, Further Strengthening Plastic Pollution Control in Business Fields, on August 31. The Notice stipulates that local authorities shall facilitate the establishment of a centralized purchase and sale system for shopping bags in grocery markets. In businesses—such as catering—the use of alternative plastic products (i.e., film-coated straw boxes and biodegradable plastic bags that can meet both performance and food safety requirements) must be promoted. Concerning e-commerce businesses, food delivery, and other online business, local authorities are required to strengthen supervision of these enterprises; draft alternative implementation plans for reducing the consumption of disposable plastic products; and promote the alternative products that are reusable, recyclable and degradable.
MOC also sets forth the specifications and deadlines for banned and limited plastic products in the Notice, according to the national plastics pollution control plan with the three-phased goals of 2020, 2022, and 2025. Details of the specifications and deadlines are summarized in the chart below.
MOC’s Notice on Further Strengthening Plastic Pollution Control in Business Fields is available (in Chinese) at: