Does a "Made in China" Declaration Need to Be Affixed to a Product?
Does a "Made in China" Declaration Need to Be Affixed to a Product?
What are the US laws/regulations regarding display of "Made in China" in terms of handbags? Can it be enclosed in a detachable wallet or must it be attached to the predominant item?
The Tariff Act of 1930 requires that "every article of foreign origin . . . imported into the United States shall be marked in a conspicuous place . . . to indicate to an ultimate purchaser in the United States the English name of the country of origin of the article." In C.S.D. 89-91 (March 31, 1989), Customs determined that handbags should be marked by means of a fabric label sewn to the lining in a conspicuous place. For more information, see the article, "Country of Origin Marking Requirements."
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